3 Reasons Why You Need to Outsource Your Content Editing

Cathrina Dionisio

“We’ll fix it in post.” Famous last words…if you have a post-production team. In this world of sharing ideas and thoughts known as content creation, we know it can be tough keeping up. Sometimes we all just want to skip it all and say, “Who needs brand awareness anyway?” But the truth is, video content can be informative, it’s a way to broaden your customer reach, and not as hard as you thought, once you get the right team and structure into place.

So you’ve been trying to keep up with all your company’s behind-the-scenes, you’ve got those new product shots, and you’ve caught some great customer reactions. The problem is you just can’t figure out how to edit your videos down to under 60 seconds and you really want your captions and graphics to be on brand. 

Instead of being frustrated because editing on a touch screen won’t allow you to move the slice tool in the exact spot you want it, reach out to professional editors. What could take you days to do, could take a professional editor or animator only a handful of hours or less. With Ragnarok, the longer you work with us, the better we know your brand and can build up proficiency, turning videos around quicker and quicker each time. 

While we would love to be Francis Ford Coppola, Wes Anderson, or Greta Gerwig, you probably couldn’t afford them. But we do have a talented group of creatives who can help you see a vision for your company that you may not have thought about. Our team can look at the brand you are, the brand you want to be, and how you want to present yourselves to the world. Whether you’ve been shooting on your phone, a GoPro, or a DSLR, we can even direct you remotely to capture the best video content. We’ll help you tap into your inner camera operator. No promises on the Oscar nomination.

What do you mean investors don’t want to see my cat on LinkedIn? Cat videos, while hilarious and memeable, don’t work on every platform (unless you sell kitty litter.) You may have noticed it yourself but videos have a different vibe depending on what platform you’re on. Sometimes you get some insight into a company’s operations on LinkedIn, an overview of all their products on Instagram, or even a more vulnerable story about how and why their business got started on TikTok. 

Users go to different platforms, in the same way, someone flips through cable channels—they are looking for specific content. At Ragnarok, we can look at your goals and figure out how to execute them on the channels that best fit your brand and the audiences you want to reach. 

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Ready for us to slice and dice your videos? 

We’re ready when you are.