Animated Emails: Best GIF Practices

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Animated Emails: Best GIF Practices

Designing for Compatibility

Microsoft Outlook, a widely used email client, poses a unique challenge when it comes to GIFs. Desktop versions of Outlook 2007+ only display the first frame, while Outlook 2019 will play an animated GIF once. However, it displays a play button over the image, which users can click to play it again. Only Outlook 365 supports looping GIF display. 


To ensure your message is preserved in translation, design your GIFs with this limitation in mind. Place crucial information at the beginning of the animation so that even Outlook users get a glimpse of your message.

Outlook displaying only the first GIF slide
Gmail displaying the entire animated GIF

Optimizing for Speed and Size

In the fast-paced world of the internet, a slow-loading GIF can be the kiss of death for user engagement. Optimize your GIFs by exporting them to the size you need and ensuring the file size is less than 1MB. Don’t risk losing subscribers because they’re unwilling to wait for a GIF to load – keep it snappy and to the point.

Responsive Design for Varied Devices

Different devices and email clients interpret HTML and CSS differently, potentially leading to your GIFs’ stretched or distorted appearance. Combat this by introducing a specified height for your GIFs. Implement a height auto class for mobile devices to maintain the intended visual experience across various screens.

Accessibility Matters

While GIFs add a dynamic element to your emails, it’s crucial not to forget about accessibility. Include descriptive alt text for your GIFs to ensure a meaningful experience for individuals using screen readers. This simple step makes your content accessible to a broader audience, aligning with the principles of inclusive marketing.

Beyond the Basics – Extra Tips for Maximum Impact

Take your email game to the next level by leveraging GIFs creatively. Showcase a 360° rotation of a new product, create interactive illusions, or use GIFs to grab users’ attention for special opportunities or events. The versatility of GIFs opens up exciting possibilities to elevate your email marketing strategy.

Incorporating GIFs into your email marketing strategy requires finesse and attention to detail. Follow these best practices to ensure your GIFs load seamlessly across devices and enhance the overall user experience. If you’re ready to level up your email marketing game, contact Ragnarok – our experts are here to guide you through captivating and effective emails. Elevate your multichannel marketing game, one GIF at a time.
